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This page contains small projects I have worked on for the past few years, including Python scripts, in no particular order.



webEdit is a simple WYSIWYG text editor compressed into a single HTML file. It was designed for use in systems where text editors are not present by default (such as Chrome OS).
It makes use of the contenteditable tag, which controls whether the user can modify the content of an element.
The editor currently supports rich text features (such as bold, italics, underline, superscript, subscript and strikethrough) as well as extended features such as changing the font type and size, the colour of the text and the background, as well as inserting links and images.
One major feature which is missing from this text editor is the ability to load files, however saving is possible.

There are two options for accessing webEdit:

  1. Download the HTML file here* (hosted on Google Drive)
  2. Try the website online here


tktest is a small Python script that can be used to test the tkinter module (and the pillow module, if installed). As a result, it is required that the module 'tkinter' is installed.
The program allows you to create blank windows, and windows containing labels, buttons, and images (using PIL.Image and PIL.ImageTk).
There are multiple downloads available for tktest depending on whether you have Python installed. For those who don't have Python installed, there are compiled executables available (compiled using pyinstaller).


pyrender is a simple 3D renderer written in Python.
It utilises specific modules to render the 3D objects and display them in a window. The renderer does not support the use of textures, however, so models will appear grey.
There are two different modules: 'VTK' and 'Panda3D'. The main difference between these two is that they support different architectures: VTK only supports 64-bit installations of Python, while Panda3D supports both 64-bit and 32-bit installations of Python.
The controls are as follows:

For those using the 'vtk' renderer:
Left Click: Rotate model
Scroll Wheel: Zoom in/out
Key "E": Terminate application
Key "F": Fly to cursor
Key "R": Reset viewpoint
Key "S": View actors as surfaces
Key "W": View actors as wireframes

For those using the 'panda3d' renderer:
Left Click: Pan left and right
Right Click: Move forwards and backwards
Middle Click: Rotate around the application origin
Right + Middle Click: Roll the point of view around the view axis

The program takes '.ply' model files, which can be converted using this website. Additionally, the repository (from which this script is stored) includes some sample files for you to mess around with.