Other Accounts
I have accounts on other websites, this page will list them all.
(Well, as long as I can remember every single one o_o).
Please read the following notices!
The main username(s) I try to use on most websites is 'kooper', 'kooperds' or 'dskooper'
depending on which one is available.
Sometimes, none of those are available (for whatever reason). In this instance, it will
be made clearer by appearing in bold.
If an account with the same or a similar username is not listed here then assume that it
is neither owned nor affiliated by me! If in doubt, feel free to contact me!
Do not try to contact me using these accounts (excluding GitHub) as I probably will not
see your message.
Below is a list of the accounts I have online:
¹ Games that do not support the XBOX Gamertag system will display the username 'cloud9x2'.
² If you need to contact me regarding anything TCRF related, send me a message in my talk page
or you can ping me on the TCRF server, both are fine.